gin cabinet

Bespoke gin cabinet installed!

This was a very exciting week. We had the gin cabinet installed that our very talented friend over at Joachim King made for us. Just in time for my 40th birthday party as well!

He has designed and made an up and over folding door to cover the inner lacquered plywood lining, and there are more hidden doors above and below. We had given them some of the oak floor boards we were using on the walls to pre-install to the front of the cabinets, but the side boards are being cut to fit after the main joinery element is in place.

Some shots of the installed cabinet ready for action, with just some edge strips to be fitted…

And another two once the strips had been fitted showing the main door in the ‘up’ position!

Some final shots of all of the cabinets in action taken by an amazing photographer, David Barbour can be found in our portfolio page on Ostro.


rainwater pipe

