rainwater pipe

Preparations for our bespoke rainwater pipe begin!

Recently we have been continuing with the preparations for the east cladding to begin. Part of this has included preparing the only rainwater pipe exit from the building. Up until this point we have on;y had a temporary pipe taking the residual water from the roof, but before we begin the cladding we need to get the section that will be covered over finished.

The first step was to drop a strip of breather membrane down the elevation between the two battens either side of the RWP and then tape the perimeter onto the primed Gutex Multitherm insulation. To get around the circular pipe we did the upper most section in a smaller piece and slit the bottom, then taped this join once in position. We are using a flat channel RWP that is semi-recessed into the cladding zone. Although it is held off the Gutex by min. 10mm at the rear we wanted to install the membrane to protect it for times of the year when condensation forms on the back face of the aluminium.


The next stage was to install the secondary seal around the stub of 110mm RWP that will exit into our aluminium channel. As you can see before we fitted the membrane we installed a primary waterproofing seal with Extoseal, which is a highly flexible flashing tape. This was adhered to the plastic pipe, and to the primed Gutex surface.

Once the Fronta Quattro membrane was installed we did this secondary seal to prevent any moisture getting between the membrane and the Gutex. We didn’t have any grommets left so I did this using strips of Tescon Vana tape instead.

Some final shots of the east elevation ready for the final cladding preparations… The 110mm grey RWP stub is left long for the moment (and connected to a temporary pipe to take the water to the ground) and we will trim it back later when we are fitting the final channel RWP to the building.

Finally, just a couple of shots of the south elevation now that the scaffold is down on this side.


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