timber frame
More ground floor timber frame.
Another week on site saw the construction of almost all of the remainder of the single storey external walls (inner leaf), and the majority of the internal walls as well. As almost all of the internal walls are load-bearing and / or racking this means that they need to be constructed now so that they can help to support the first floor joists.
This means that a 'first-fix' of the airtightness has to be done at this stage as well: where the internal walls connect to the external walls a small gap has to be left to allow the airtightness board to be passed behind here before final fixing later. As this board cannot be exposed to the weather it is not possible to install it at this stage. We also had to insert small pieces of the airtightness membrane underneath the sole plates of these walls to ensure continuity of the airtight connection between the slab and the wall board at a later stage.
The first image shows the view towards the sitting / snug area on the east elevation, the second is the view towards the south doorway, and the third shows the view from the dining area to the kitchen.