somag // passivhaus

The brief from our client was to create a modern, comfortable and verified low energy home for them and their new family by adopting the Passivhaus Standard, with a high level of self-sufficiency via on site electricity generation. The location is off the gas grid, which further drove this desire for an ultra-low energy consuming dwelling.
The building is positioned on an east-west axis, to present a longer elevation to the road, which is conventional in this area. This is also the most sustainable orientation as it maximises the potential for passive solar benefits from the rear, more private, side of the dwelling.
The simple and familiar form takes cues from the surrounding context, which serves to maintain and reinforce distinctive local characteristics by being sympathetic to the landscape setting and the existing pattern of the surrounding settlement. The proportion, scale and massing of the buildings within the vicinity was analysed and the building echoes the key aspects without resorting to slavish copying of traditional aesthetics.
The west gable is skewed in line with the adjacent site boundary: this serves to maximise the ‘front’ elevation available, affording more positions within the dwelling from which the spectacular view of the Trossachs might be glimpsed. On the south elevation the eaves line is higher to achieve a larger area of south facing wall allowing lower level windows to the upper storey without the use of dormers. This also removes the need for south facing rooflights, thereby significantly reducing the overheating risk in summer.
The slate roofing finish has been folded down this section of upper storey wall to emphasise the perceived mass of the roof, with individually articulated punched openings. By contrast the south facing ground floor openings are larger and defined by a simple liner that forms a small brise soleil.
This project is concluded and was Passivhaus Certified in 2024. More photos to follow soon!