grit layer


Finally out of the ground!

This morning we had the airtightness test witnessed and signed off by the Building Standards Surveyor so that is another step forward.

The fine 6mm clean stone that goes underneath the Isoquick insulation form-work system arrived first thing and was spread across the site in a 50mm thick layer... This small stone fills in the gaps between the larger stones in the type 1layer and creates a nice flat base for the insulation.

And of course, this means we are now officially out of the ground!

Then our Isoquick insulation form-work arrived and Martin and I unloaded it onto the pavement - we hadn't quite expected it to be a full curtain-sided lorry load!

And finally, very kindly, Stuart (who has been doing the excavations for us) helped us to move it all down the driveway and closer to the site in preparation for installing it tomorrow!



